Watch us Live on Sunday mornings at 9:10 am.

AULNE bible
Loving God, Loving Others
Located in the heart of Marion County
What are you doing this weekend?
Join us Sunday at 9:10
What's Going On
March 30 - Singsperation & Potluck​​
Join us at Noon in the fellowship hall for a potluck lunch immediately followed by a singing of hymns and songs. There will be fun for the whole family.
April 9 - Lenten Breakfast at Aulne Bible Church 7:00am
April 13 - Palm Sunday
April 18 - Good Friday Service
April 20 - Easter Sunrise Service 7:00am with Breakfast following.
Join Us For Sunday School!
And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Classes For Everyone
The prime time to walk with Jesus is right now. Join this class as the walk through the New Testament and discuss Life Applications.
Evangilism & Apologetics
If you want to better learn how to reach the lost or defend your faith, this is the class for that. Join them as they take a look at prophecy and its importance.
Learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit as this class goes through "Lead Me, Holy Spirit," by Stormie Omartion
We are not to journey alone, but together in our walk with Christ. Walk on a journey as this class walks through the devotionals and life journeys written by the "Duck Commander" family
When was the last time you
Encountered Christ?
Would you take a weekend to get away and strengthen the most important relationship in your life?
If you're interested in going, contact us for more information about the Aulne Church paying for your registration.
Then click the banners below to register.